Why are ICU Beds Important in Hospitals – Challenges Faced in Their Use and Their Vital Features?

Critical care is a major cause of a patient’s en route to retrieval and healing. While some illnesses and health conditions by their very nature require instant admission to critical care, in some not-so-serious circumstances too when worsen, a patient may have to go for critical care. In brief, critical care is a barricade against life-threatening wounds and illnesses. Over the years, even as critical care medicine has grown as a specialty involved in the assessment, revival, and administration of critically ill patients, it fundamentally includes a range of products and amenities meant to distribute care to a patient in times of life-threatening emergencies. And like most things today, skill has come to play an unavoidable role in offering new and cutting-edge machines and equipment like ICU Beds made by ICU Bed Manufacturers as well as in the way care is transported to patients in emergencies. At a time when Covid-19 has occurred as an unparalleled public health emergency calling for critical care attention for a considerable number of patients, the entire critical care system has been tested to the limits.

What are some of those encounters and what can be done to tackle them?

The lack of ICU beds and inequality in delivery remains a test

The current epidemic has already demonstrated the scarcity of ICU beds and related equipment in the country.

Features of ICU Bed

In the first year of the epidemic, one research projected that India had about 95 thousand ICU beds and 48 thousand ventilators with the majority being focused within seven states only. Another research emphasized the inequality between states as well as big cities and urban areas and the rural locality. By the end of last year, in the government’s appraisal, the country owned 1.39 lakh ICU beds and 24,000 pediatric ICU beds.

Partial ICUs with inadequate equipment and devices

Even when there are ICUs currently in a facility, they are not adequately equipped with all the complementary kits and equipment. The Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine rules on planning and scheming of ICUs has provided for three stages of ICU/HDU units in different hospitals contingent on the number of beds that a facility has. For example, under Level I for those amenities having up to 50 beds or district hospitals and CHCs having up to 100 beds, there must be 6 to 8 ICU beds supplied by ICU Bed Suppliers attended with the ability to complete cardiopulmonary resuscitation including intubation, short-term cardio-respiratory support counting, non-invasive ventilation, and defibrillation. While having admission to ABG ability, they must also have syringe pumps/infusion pumps, separately from multipara monitors with SPO2, HR, ECG, NIBP, and temperature facility. Likewise, more functionalities and attendance of cutting-edge equipment have been authorized for the higher Level II (those with up to 100 to 150 beds and Level III (those with over 150 beds counting medical schools and corporate hospitals) facilities. Though, more focus is required on emergency care amenities, especially in non-metro cities.

What are the Vital Qualities of ICU Beds?

Any critical care location will need a myriad of Qualities and features for better cures and intensive care of the patient. The 8 most vital Characteristics of an ICU bed are made by ICU Bed Manufacturers are:

  1. CPR Release

CPR release is vital for an intensive care unit bed according to the doctors. With the support of the CPR release feature, medical workers can level the bed platform just with the click of a key. This works as a benefit for an emergency quickly leveling the bed and generating a hard surface for carrying out CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

  1. IV Poles with Hooks

IV poles support steadily hanging fluids or drugs which run via a trickle. As patients under serious observation often need more than one medicine at the same time, the IV pole with various hooks proves to be helpful. This addition of an IV pole in an ICU bed is helpful when a patient needs to be stirred in case of an emergency. 

  1. Removable Head and Footboards

Removeable footboards and heads are other inordinate features of an ICU bed. The two main assistances of this characteristic in an ICU bed are as follows:

In case of an emergency, the medical staff can separate the bedpost effortlessly and support the patient. It also benefits to free up more room around the patient and supports tranquil breathing.

Detachable head and footboards characteristic of an ICU bed makes it calmer to perform horizontal placing – a process that needs revolving the patient from face up position to face down position.

  1. Integral Nursing Panels

The ICU beds come with assorted choices of inborn controls. Patient controls or receivers devoted to the side rail of the bed are some of them. Some beds, on the other hand, have the nursing switch features factory-made into the footboard base.

Several paybacks come along with the integral nursing controls beds:

The best advantage of nursing panels is that they can lock the purposes on the patient’s handset. This practice saves susceptible patients from crashes who can’t control the bed themselves.

The non-appearance of sprawling wires may result in a falling risk during an urgent situation.

Nursing panels make it calmer to trigger any function by the hospital staff without finding the patient’s handset.

5. Trendelenburg Placing is a Necessity

Trendelenburg Placing (Legs are positioned higher than the head) is obligatory to improve the breathing and circulation of blood. While it comes in handy whilst healing /minimalizing hernia, the reverse-Trendelenburg location helps in curing numerous problems relating to the neck. ICU beds, more often than not, offer these placement alterations. You may also want to choose a basic hospital bed alongside a specialized ICU bed.

6. Cardiac Chair

A cardiac chair would try out to be fairly valuable. Evasion of pulmonary embolism is one of the major motives behind the ever-growing implication of cardiac chairs. An innate cardiac chair (along with an ICU bed) delivers all of the medical specialists with a one-stop answer to help out heart patients experiencing surgeries and/or other intricate medical procedures. Now, this is one of the main qualities that other hospital beds do not enjoy.

7. Anti-bacterial Material

ICU beds are not merely sterile. These are waterproof as well. Archetypally, beds in the ICU have a covering of rexine. It is one of the most waterproof materials and is used quite often whilst making specialized beds by ICU Bed Manufacturers. 

8. Innate X-Ray Plates

It goes without revealing that X-Rays imaging is an authoritative portion of all major kinds of medical cures. Now, the thing with ICU beds having portable X-Ray plates is: these comprise X-Ray permits a medical professional to place the X-Ray machine with utmost expediency whilst the patient is lying on the bed. Such a facet is not obtainable in most other beds. 

So, it would be safe to say that a bed intended to be positioned within the boundaries of an ICU is a whole lot more diverse than other hospital beds. Also, putting together an ICU-oriented bed is a job calmer said than completed.