Architectural Layout

  • Avasarala Technologies Limited

  • Verified 0 Manufacture
  • 47, 36th Main Road, BTM I Stage, Dollar Scheme,Bangalore – 560 068 (INDIA)
  • Year Of Establishment: 1985
  • Architectural Layout
  • Hospital Design Architect
  • Interior Designer
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About Avasarala Technologies Limited

It was in the year 1985 that we set foot on the engineering arena, predominantly in the field of high technology engineering. A thirst for excellence and an eye for innovation saw us diversify into vastly different areas of Nuclear Power, Factory Automation, Engineering Construction, Space and Healthcare. It was only a matter of time before we consolidated our position across India and overseas. Delivering optimal technological solutions in critical areas with our comprehensive capabilities, our mission is to continue contributing towards engineering excellence... We are Avasarala Technologies.

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