Bed Head Panel

  • Bed Head Panel
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About Arasan Gas Solutions

Arasan Gas Solutions was born in the year 1974 to breathe life into the suffering patients. We are a unique gas manufacturing and wholesaling firm who can solve all the gas based needs of Hospitals & Industries. We have strong employees with us who participate in our dream and vision to make our firm a truly global player.Our initial dealings were in Industrial and Medical Gases. Later, in the year 1998, we promoted central gas medical delivery system to make the regular supplies chain much easier. During 2004, new chapter in the Nitrogen filling technology was introduced, through which we are aiming to fill the tyres of almost all automobile wheels. We will truly devote our energy to make Arasan Gas Solutions an outstanding organization in the coming years with introduction of much more innovated products.Gas Deliver System - In the year 1998, we enhanced our industrial & Medical Gas supply system, by installing a high-tech Centralized medical Gas Delivery system.

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