ECG Machine

Edan Instruments Inc.
- Verified 1 Manufacture
- No.15 Jinhui Rd., Shenzhen, 518122, P.R.China
- Year Of Establishment: 1995
- ECG Machine
- Patient Monitor
- Fetal Monitor
- Digital Colposcope

Edan offers comprehensive resting ECG products, ranging from leading 18-lead workstation, professional PC-based workstation, to innovative tablet-based ECG, adapting to various requirements even in most demanding cardiac units.
Edan is a healthcare company dedicated to improving the human condition around the world by delivering value-driven, innovative and high-quality medical products and services.Bring innovation and value together to improve the human condition.Operate with the utmost integrity, responsibility and respect for cultures around the world.
- Legal Status: Private Limited
- Nature Of Business: Manufacture
- Verified