Fetal Monitor

  • Mycro Healthcare

  • Verified 1
  • D.No.:16-11-212/85, Plot No: 33, East Prashanth Nagar, Moosarambagh, Hyderabad - 500036, Telangana,India.
  • Fetal Monitor
  • Nebulizer
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About Mycro Healthcare

Mycro Healthcare was incorporated in the year 2010.We have a right blend of professionals, in diverse functional areas starting from equipment sourcing to equipment servicing. We take the best technology even to the remotest of regions by sourcing New and Refurbished medical equipment including Ventilators, Multi-Para Monitors, Defibrillators, Pulse Oximeters, Syringe Pumps, Infusion Pumps, ECG Machines, Bipaps, Cpaps and Accessories. Our extensive resources support worldwide shipping. The focus of all our staff is the same-Ensure Customer Satisfaction at all costs.In order to achieve this Mycro Healthcare Technical and Sales Team built on high value systems of Trust, Commitment, Efficiency, Professionlism and also ensures that the staff are well trained and kept aware of the latest trends in technology. With a wide network of like minded dealers, Mycro healthcare has been able to reach out into the various states in India.

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