Finance Consultancy

  • BrusCCC -Brus Chambers

  • Verified 0
  • 29-41,Raja Bahadur Compound Complex,, Office no.12, First Floor, off. Mumbai Samachar marg, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400023
  • Joint Venture Consultant
  • Finance Consultancy
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About BrusCCC -Brus Chambers

BrusCCC is the Corporate commercial advisory practice area of Brus Chambers\r\nUnderstanding Business: We at Brus CCC invest in time to analyse your business objectives, operations and markets, so that we are properly focussed on your requirements. As standard practice, we seek to understand the broad industry framework within which our clients operate and the key regulations that may uniquely apply to those industries. In selected key industries we dive deeper so that we have a better appreciation of industry regulations, market structure and industry practices and dynamics. We are able to apply this understanding and blend it with our extensive technical skills to deliver effective advice. Our endeavour is to go beyond the obvious and challenge conventional thought. We firmly believe that every idea is only as good as its effective implementation, so that clients can be sure that the solutions we craft will work. We know that we will gain confidence and retain it only when we provide practical advice in every interaction that you have with us.\r\nOur industry efforts currently focus on the market segments that are having the greatest impact on the renaissance of the Indian economy. We constantly review our industry focus to ensure that we strategically allocate resources and refine our programmes, in step with developments in the economy.

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