Interior Designer

  • Panorama architects & interiors

  • Verified 0
  • Office 19, 2nd Floor, Krushi Plaza, Sector 19, Opposite Mathadi Bhavan, APMC, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400705, Maharashtra
  • Architectural Layout
  • Interior Designer
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About Panorama architects & interiors

Panorama Architects is an emerging design firm, dedicated in delivering high quality, effective, and inspiring built space and lifestyle. Founded on November 1, 2010 by Ar.Bhavesh Patel and Ar.Aditya Agte, we abide by the principal of providing ‘Innovative Design Solutions’ with a commitment to ‘Quality Services’. pencil At Panorama Architects, we work out the nitty-gritty’s of a project through intense programming and discussions, and offer solutions that strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics. The focus is always on three Cs – Client, Context, and Commitment. Our strength lies in working out a unique story from a client brief and translating it into an integrated architectural and/or interior solution where ideas, space, materials and details come together seamlessly.

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