
Eagle Medical Systems was established as surgical Dressing manufacturing Company in 1963 as a partnership firm. As the Medical Technology and Diagnostic process advanced company entered into the field of Hi-Tech and life saving Equipment's in the seventies. Name and style of the company was re designated as Eagle Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd. This was registered under companies act vide certificate of incorporation no. 55-90018 of 1997-98 dated 6th October, 1997 as per Government rules. Company is governed by Board of Directors chaired by Chairman-cum-Managing Director, All resolutions of the company are discussed and resolved among the Directors and passed as per company act. The company has corporate and head office at New Delhi with branch offices at Chandigarh, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai. Branch offices are controlled by Regional Managers. Overall Management and staff is as per organization chart as enclosed. Overall strength technical, semi-skilled and administration is 50 and being increased as per work load and business achieved. Technical staffs are highly and professionally qualified, well trained by respective manufacturers in their centers. Eagle Medical Systems became Business Associates of reputed Foreign Principals in order to meet the ever growing demands for high precision equipments. Eagle Medical Systems is well known for our services in the field of Surgery, Urology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, E.N.T., Radiology and Oncology. Our Equipments include Endoscopes Rigid And Flexible, Extra Corporeal Lithotripters, High Frequency Units, Operating Tables, Operating Lights, Surgical Lasers etc... Company's esteemed customers and patrons include national premier institutions like All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Vardhaman Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, PGIMER Chandigarh, SGPGI Lucknow. JIPMER, Pondicherry, Director Medical Education and Research Maharachtra, Director health Services Uttar Pradesh, Director Health Services, Uttaranchal, DTE, General Armed Forces Medical Services, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Apollo Hospitals, Fortis Escorts Group of Hospitals and so on, We have built up a fabulous rapport with Medical professionals and health organizations and educational institutions through our able and highly qualified engineers. The company actively participate round the year in various national and International conferences and workshops with leading professionals. The company represent World renowned manufacturers M/s. Richard Wolf Gmbh, Germany for Rigid, Flexible, Videio endoscopes, Lithotripters, complete operation room endoscopy CORE system, Integrated Modular O.T. Asclepion for Holmium Lasers 30 watts and 110 watts, DEKA Italy for Co2 Surgical Lasers, Trumpf Medizine System Germany for O.T. Tables, Patient transfer System, 0.T. Lights, Mobile lights, Sealing pendants., Hospital Technik AG, Germany for Modular OTs, ICU, ICCU, CSSD & Laboratories, Polydiagnost, Germany for Polyscope, Microperc etc, RMS Endoskopie Technieque Gmbh, Germany for Video Endoscopes ( Gastroscope, Colonoscope and Dudenoscopes). The Company's area of coverage is entire India and has a working strength of 50 personnel.
- Legal Status: Private Limited
- Verified