Lumbar Traction

  • Perfect Physiotherapy Centre

  • Verified 0
  • J-517, Keshav Puram Awas Vikas, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh - 208017, India
  • Lumbar Traction
  • Shortwave Diathermy
  • Ultrasound Therapy Unit
  • Cervical Traction Tong
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About Perfect Physiotherapy Centre

Perfect Physitherapy Centre is one of the prestigious healthcare centers in Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) that operate to ensure the complete well-being of people with exemplary services. The healthcare center provides wide-ranging solutions like interferential therapy, infrared radiation therapy, lumbar traction therapy, ultrasound therapy, manual therapy, limb therapy, total knee replacement therapy, shoulder therapy, vestibular rehabilitation therapy, neurodevelopmental disorder therapy, rheumatology physiotherapy, pediatric physiotherapy, dry needling therapy, and to name a few. We have a team of qualified as well as trained professionals, who look after the different aspects related to therapies and physiotherapy, and provide great relief from sufferings and pains.Established in the year 2015, Perfect Physitherapy Centre soon became a popular name in the domain of healthcare servicing. The organization has been led and managed by Dr. R K Sharma, who is a compassionate individual and a qualified healthcare professional with years of experience in the healthcare industry.

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