Medical Gas Pipeline System

  • Airox Technologies Limited

  • Verified 62 Manufacture
  • D-27, 5th Floor, Empire Mall Private Limited (PTC), Chikalthana, Aurangabad - 431006, Maharashtra, India.
  • Year Of Establishment: 2011
  • Modular Operation Theatre
  • Medical Gas Pipeline System
  • Oxygen Generator Plant
  • ETO Sterilizer
Product Overview

The MGPS is installed to provide a safe, convenient and cost – effective system for the provisionof medical gases to the clinical and nursing staff at the point of use. It reduces the problemsassociated with the use of gas cylinders such as safety, porterage, storage and noise.

HTM Guidelines are followed for all new installations. It is not necessary to apply the guidanceretrospectively unless patient or staffsafety is compromised. The existing installations should beassessed for compliance in accordance with HMT. A plan for upgrading the existing systemshould be prepared, with consideration of priority for patient safety. It is essential for Managersto liaise with medical colleges and take note of other guidelines published by the Department ofHealth to assess the system for technical shortcomings.

The volume of Health Technical Memorandum 02-01 (HTM 02-01) will be followed for design,installation, verification and validation. It covers the user requirements for flow, pressure anddiversity and gives technical guidance on the design, installation and accommodation of plantand medical pipeline distribution systems. In addition, the procedures to be carried out before amedical gas pipeline system (MGPS) is considered for practical use. The tests to be carried outat each stage of the installation program are well communicated, together with requirements forpersonnel, instrumentation and associated documentation requirements.

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About Airox Technologies Limited

We are one of the leading players among the PSA oxygen generator providers in terms of operating income, as of Fiscal 2021 (Source: CRISIL Report). We are also a market leader with a market share of 50-55%, in terms of operational private hospital PSA medical oxygen market, as of Fiscal 2022 (Source: CRISIL Report).
We are among the pioneers to facilitate the penetration of on-premise PSA oxygen generators in Indian hospitals with nearly 950+ installed and operational PSA oxygen generators, as of March 31, 2022 (Source: CRISIL Report). We are an established player with an experience of more than one decade in the PSA oxygen generation market and has been able to capture and penetrate the Indian medical oxygen generation market to become a market leader with 30-31% of market share as of Fiscal 2022, in terms of total installed operational PSA oxygen generators in India, which includes both government and public sector hospital PSA medical oxygen market (Source: CRISIL Report). As on March 31, 2022, we had installed 950+ PSA oxygen generators across India.
Some of our advantages are , strong & growing customer base, automated manufacturing facility, widespread sales & distribution network etc.
With experienced management team , strong financial performance , we at Airox look forward to steady and healthy organizational growth .
Some of our advantages are , strong & growing customer base, automated manufacturing facility, widespread sales & distribution network etc.
With experienced management team , strong financial performance , we at Airox look forward to steady and healthy organizational growth .

  • Number Of Employee: 135
  • Legal Status: Limited
  • Nature Of Business: Manufacture
  • Number Of Clients: 950
  • GST No: 27AAKCA9891Q1ZI
  • Verified

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