Morgue Or Mortuary

  • Morgue Or Mortuary
  • Ambulance Manufacture
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About Amma Ambulance and Mobile Motuary

At ambulance are one of the best ambulances & emergency services in Trivandrum. Since our formation ten years ago we have always tried to provide a sincere & efficient service to the people. We believe that the success & recognition we received is due to the hard work and sincerity we have put to provide you with the best life saving and life care service. We are able to provide ICU enabled super speciality ambulances, A/c and non- A/c ambulances. We undertake patient and dead body shifting. We are on of the ambulances services with We provide mobile mortuaries & mobile mortuary vans at affordable rates to people. Coffins of Different varieties are also available with us. Our emergency assistance and ambulance services are of global standards that are managed by highly experienced and qualified personnel. We take pride on the countless lives we have saved and valued ambulance services we provided to our clients in need 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Amma Ambulance and Mobile Mortuary operate under Dial 9744240002. Dial this number for Ambulance services on cross subsidy model, the end user is charged a fee which differs based on the choice of hospital. This model is also used in patient transferring, corporate, events etc. Also Dial 9744240002 has initiated the concept of managing, operating and outsourcing of Ambulances for hospitals and corporate services.

  • Nature Of Business: Service Provider
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