Patient Monitor

  • Wave Visions

  • Verified 0
  • A-12, Durganagar,Behind Tube Company
  • OT Light
  • Patient Monitor
  • Oxygen Analyser
Product Overview

Respironics EtCo2 Module

Wave Visions offers Original Respironics EtcO2 modules – Side stream LoFlo and Mainstream CapnoStat 5, along with its accessories including Airway adaptor sampling line for ET Tube, Sampling line with Luer connection, Nasal Cannula and airway adaptor for CapnoStat.

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About Wave Visions

One of the leading LED OT lights manufacturers in India. We are an expert-led OT light manufacturer and supplier in India. Our LED operating room lights are equipped with the latest lighting technology, which provides the best quality illumination and eliminates distracting shadows from surgeons’ heads & hands.

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