Physiotherapy Equipment

  • Physiotherapy Equipment
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About Man&tel Co., LTD.

Man&tel has made great strides in the area of educational training equipments in the fine art technologies like Robotics, photovoltaic, RFID and ubiquitous sensor network(USN) in the past more than a decade of its corporate history, and recently expanding to development of application product converging electro-communication technology and medical science. Man&tel is cementing its strong position in the world market contributing to students' education and training of electronic and communication engineering.Man&tel is always ready to provide all types of educational training devices to teach and train students from simple electronic engineering up to fine-art technologies complying with your specific requests. Based on the strong competence in the fine-art technologies, Man&tel started to turn its eyes to the medical field from 2010 and wanted to contribute to the global society especially providing the opportunity to restore their balance ability to the patients suffered from hemiparetic lower extremity impairment from stroke and their family. Man&tel's vision is to be a decent globally recognized and remembered brand name, a true friend to the patients from stroke and the rehabilitation centers in the world.

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