Physiotherapy Equipment

  • Physiotherapy Equipment
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About Renol

RENOL has been inspired by the 40 years of experience built up by its founder, René JONCKERS, in the medical distribution sector. Present on the international market since 2000, RENOL Company is constantly innovating to perfect effective positioning products and mobilizations devices which respect the patient. RENOL's view is to approach the idea of patient safety from a new angle and in a way we will describe as "progressive" such that the concept of the brace is perceived differently. When the risks of falling and serious injury to which the patient is exposed are assessed objectively and the prevalence of the brace has been properly evaluated, we find it is not always necessary to immediately resort to so-called "strong" methods. Consequently, solutions that are alternative, preventive and even often complementary to the immobilization methods can be considered. For this reason RENOL has perfected a wide range of ergonomic and multi-functional positioning products designed to stabilise the patient in the chair or bed to anticipate any accident. Cushions, various appropriate protective devices that are suited to a comfortable and optimal position, prove to be a fully fledged medical aid and a real help to the care dispensed by nursing staff. When the situation is such that position holders are inevitable, these are preferably used alternatively with cushions or protective devices to make the patient as safe as possible but also to preserve his comfort (freedom of movement) and therefore his physical and mental integrity. From an ethical viewpoint, the perceived image of the brace is tinged with negative connotations, especially where its use with elderly patients is concerned. The use of position holders is often a source of questions from nursing staff. "Is it really necessary? How is the patient seen, both by himself and those around him? What about the relationship between patient and nurse? Are there no more serious dangers than actually falling? How can we maintain the dignity of the patient while making them as safe as possible?" We therefore had to remain aware of the needs of and risks run by the patient, but also remain in touch with the difficulties encountered by nursing staff. We applied ourselves to satisfying their respective needs: the safety of the patient and the serenity of the nurses. RENOL's main objectives are the safety and comfort of the patient. We set great store by prevention. In line with the expectations of nursing staff, we have perfected a range of prophylactic products which incorporates various discreet but extremely effective forms of aid. Constantly in touch with health-care professionals, we have based ourselves on empirical findings. Out of this situation arose RENOL, which offers a complete range of professional, competitive products which perfectly meet the needs of patients of all ages in terms of safety and daily comfort, regardless of their particular physical or motoric handicap, be it mild or severe, temporary or permanent. These devices have been designed to be used in both hospitals and rehabilitation centers, in rest homes and in home care.

  • Legal Status: Limited
  • Nature Of Business: Manufacture
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