
  • Genesis Automation Systems

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  • 23G,Dr.Ambedkar Soroni, Ground Floor, Kolkata - 700046 ( W.B )
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About Genesis Automation Systems

WE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE GENISIS CURRENCY AUTOMATION SYSTEMS AS ONE OF THE OLDEST VENDOR IN CURRENCY HANDLING SYSTEM IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY. WE HAVE GOT 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE SPECIALLY IN STATE BANK OF INDIA. WE HAVE SO FAR SUPPLIED NEARLY 25000 LOOSE NOTE COUNTING MACHINE, 1500 NOS. PACKET NOTE COUNTING MACHINE TO DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF SBI THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY AND ARE RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY. THE AFTER SALES SUPPORT PROVIDED BY US IS ALSO VERY MUCH SATISFACTORY. We are glad to inform that we are the first Company to introduce queue management System and have introduced state of the art technology with a very special software designed exclusively for BPR branches with active support by SBI BPR team .Only GENISIS machine have the facility to auto update date & time and auto reset of Serial no , holding of serial no , it has got a Big FND display for the customers well as smaller display at each cash counter for customer again and one display for the cashier sitting at the counter which gives better control over the customer. It has also got the facility to hold any number and can be recall as desired by the cashier. It is stated that we are one of the leading manufacturing Company at Kolkata for the product of Note Counting Machine, Queue-Management Systems, Scroll-On-Display, Message Display Board, Magnetic Board. Our Service Centre all over India We are always your door step to serve you better.

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