
  • Linkage Technologies Inc.

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  • 101, Neelkamal Complex, 205, Zone-1, M.P.Nagar, Bhopal – 462011 (Madhya Pradesh), INDIA
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About Linkage Technologies Inc.

is An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company Engaged in manufacturing of Electronics Products, since 1989. Consumption of electricity and hydrocarbons are increasing exponentially, We all collectively emitting huge quantities of carbon dioxide in the environment, which is resulting in to the disturbance in our ECO-System and thereby threatening the very existence of life on our planet THE EARTH. With the continuous R&D and efforts the scientists have developed energy efficient LED lights which are now being adopted all over the world.We all are concerned about the health of our planet, so we should put our efforts to save the environment, by adopting Energy Efficient Lights in our day to day life. Linkage Technologies Inc. is committed to this cause and is manufacturing Energy Efficient LED Lights of different light output for various indoor and outdoor application. With the innovation of LEDs as white Light source, its application as lighting has increased due to multiple advantages.

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