Surgical Instrument Set

  • Eclipse Instrumentation Pvt Ltd

  • Verified 0 Manufacture
  • No. 7, Shankar Sadan, D. R. Road, Charai, Thane-400601, Maharashtra, India
  • Year Of Establishment: 1991
  • Surgical Instrument Set
  • Electrocautery Machine
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About Eclipse Instrumentation Pvt Ltd

Eclipse’s professional surgical machines are produced to provide the patients with the highest level of safety and care. And having said that we can assure you this by the decades of experience that we have in this field.That is why we at Eclipse say,Experience Matters ,discover it through our products” If You are left with a sceptical progress report ,we are giving our visitors a brief tete-a-tete with our past under the title “Caterpillar to Butterfly”@ At Eclipse

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